
Offer to treat exhaustion or burnout

I’m offering to give you the tools you need as we treat exhaustion or burnout.
I’m here to coach you – and to help you get forward in an obvious time of crisis.

When we treat exhaustion or burnout, the ambition is to teach people to take care of themselves. It’s about learning how to preserve the energy you’ve got and how to recharge more than what’s being drained to be able to heal from the long term stress. (What is exhaustion or burnout? Here’s my explanation and here’s one from mind)

Here’s a tiny tool(click me!) that works well together with a diary (click me, too!).

Treating exhaustion or burnout is hard because it’s about so many things. It’s rarely just work or the home environment. But that’s also what makes it so fantastic when it works. Since it’s complex, it’ll often require an investment in quite some time and attention to get the progress you want, but it’s often worth that input to get the results you want. The fact that treating exhaustion requires time and attention isn’t such a big deal with my approach. In healthcare, you’re often tossed out after a few minutes or as soon as you’re diagnosed.

When we need to look at everything, I often schedule far more time than that. It’s necessary because we want to have enough time to calmly look at enough relevant aspects of what bothers you to get to the next step. That could include physical aspects, psychology, and behaviors, or your environment with the social aspects.

Physical parts include things such as actual pathology, anatomy and physiology, neurology, food, exercise and movement. This i one aspect of tending to pain, but not all of it.

The psychology covers behaviors, values, goals as well as bothersome symptoms such as fatigue and how to handle it, thoughts that bother, trouble sleeping, anxiety and depression. This part usually include learning to focus on what’s truly desired and needed. Questions like “What is stress and why do we experience it?” get covered and stress management is a part of the solution. CBT, ACT and problem solving are others.

Environmental factors cover important social aspects, work related things and everything that might be under the socioeconomic umbrella. Perhaps things need to change for you to get a decent enough and restful place. Do you like your job and your relationships? Is it possible to change – or change perspective?

Hippocrates is said to have said in the past:

“Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that make him sick.”

Which is completely necessary to ask here. We will do this in a pragmatic, hands-on and action based way combined with lifestyle changes. But here is the hard part: I cannot take care of you. So you must let me teach you to take care of yourself and give you the tools and the knowledge for you to just be fine without me. Which is what you want anyway, isn’t it? You shouldn’t want to be dependent on any sort of therapy over years unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Treat exhaustion
Finding moments of peace to recover and recharge is essential, as well as looking at what drains you and gets you anxious.

Yesterday, my meeting with Patric was intense and challenging. He wanted to examine why I was so stressed and anxious. We’ve talked about this a lot, but we went even deeper this time. I was told to list everything that stressed me or gave me anxiety so we could look at it together. Some things could be put aside instantly because I didn’t have the resources to tend to or even care about them at the moment anyway. So they were metaphorically archived to be handled in the future.

Some things were out of my control. That’s an old lesson, where I actually know that I can’t care about those things and carry those burdens if I want to get healthy. Then I got the tools to handle the things left on the lists. Over time, I’ll hopefully be able to handle those situations.

This exercise was fantastic. Except for the great sleep that night, I was notably less stressed the next day at work. Thinking about the archived stuff helped. They’re there, but I don’t need to carry that load. And sure, there’s still a problem with stress [that’s not solved in an instant…], but now it’s definitely going in the right direction. Patric is a great coach. I’m so grateful!

And a few days later:

Today’s word is grateful. Grateful for the calm inside my head, where worry used to linger. Thankful for the peace in my body when I’ve slept well three nights in a row.

– L

My general rule of thumb is that nothing ever really fixes itself. We will pinpoint and we will change.

Change takes time, effort and plenty of the energy you’ve got – but it’s necessary, and it generally does turn out just great. You have to want this to do it. This will take time, but it is time for a change. You will spend time in new ways – but if you are a match, that’s worth all the work and hassle. Always.

We will pragmatically break down why this happened to you, how you got here and how to heal to lessen the chances of it ever happening again. Map it out and really take aim towards where you want to go, rather than helplessly flailing and being stuck in a rut where you are.

You can’t stay here. It’s wasting your life, and in some cases even risking it entirely.

Let me guide you and help you change in an effort to teach you how to rest, how to be right here right now, regain your energy and in the end regain your life.

We will for instance look at
– What to do with your actual physical pain to relieve it
– Tools to ease the ever present stress response
– How to increase your energy-level
– How to improve sleep
– How to change behavior to crush depressive symptoms and anxiety
– Implement physical activities. You need it

The goal is to look at most things a life can consist of to thereby be able to deduce the most bothersome stressors to be able to get rid of enough to get a decent balance and a level of stress that a human actually can manage. A really broad approach, since human lives are really complex. That approach seems to be quite crucial to get rid of enough of the ever present stress response and then get the desired outcome. 

What treatment methods to use is individualized, depending on what the situation looks like. Problems must be solved by tending to that specific problem, not a general one. So we can’t simply “fix stress”. Since life is complex and they all tend to vary, they need individual solutions, even though we all do have needs in common.

I can only show you the way, try to teach you, hold your hand or point you in the right direction. I might have to be grim, bold and blunt at times to make it more of a nudge or in some cases a shove with words (if that’s even possible?) – we MUST get YOU there. Not me. Let’s get you the power to take control of your own life, get past this obstacle and get even better afterwards.

Does that sound like a good idea? To actually make a plan and try to get somewhere? Press the button below and fill out your details and a description of your situation and I’ll get back to you.